The GUMS Procedure: How It Can Give You A Beautiful Smile

GUMS Procedure

If you’ve ever been embarrassed or ashamed to show off your smile, you might be considering getting the GUMS procedure performed on your teeth. Also known as Gingival Uniformity Modulation System (G.U.M.S) or in short call GUMS, this cosmetic treatment process developed by Britegums founder Dr. Robert Stanley, DDS can help you achieve the smile you’ve always wanted and boost the self-confidence at the same time! Here’s how it works

What Is Gingival Unifromity Modulation System?

Gingival Unifromity Modulation System, or in short call GUMS is a patented cosmetic treatment process developed by Britegums founder Dr. Robert Stanley, DDS. His impetus to discover successful treatment came from the many dental patients. The procedure is called GUMS as it addresses gingival uniformity and modifies the gumline for an improved appearance of teeth and gums. It involves the removal of excess gum tissue that can cause unattractive overgrowth around teeth, sculpting the gum line to improve tooth alignment, and making use of composite resins to provide your smile with enhanced color and a greater natural look. Dr.

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Treatments For Other Oral Aesthetic Concerns:

GUMS is not the only procedure that can help you with your oral aesthetics. For those who have teeth stains and plaque, whitening treatments can be helpful. Likewise, for those who may need stronger teeth to look their best, there are teeth restoration procedures available. If you are looking for more comprehensive solutions to your aesthetic needs, then you should talk to your dentist about the possibilities of braces or dental implants.

Tooth Whitening Through Non-Invasive Means:

In the past, tooth whitening was done through invasive methods. These usually involved teeth bleaching or teeth whitening strips. However, these methods are only temporary fixes for the smile you crave. Britegums offers a solution in the form of its patented treatment process that is non-invasive and long-lasting – The GUMs Procedure. No matter what kind of treatment you need to have your teeth whitened, Britegums can help you get your beautiful smile back quickly and without any pain at all.

Maintaining Your New Smiles For Years To Come:

The G.U.M.S procedure is the only cosmetic treatment process of its kind that has been clinically proven to reduce wrinkles, creases, and other signs of aging in the mouth.
Gingival Uniformity Modulation System (G.U.M.S) or in short call GUMS is a patented cosmetic treatment process developed by Britegums founder Dr. Robert Stanley, DDS…..

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